Hebrew character list

More information on this list.

  1. Controls and basic Latin
    1. Controls allowed in XML
    2. XML markup delimiters
    3. Other ASCII
  2. Additional Latin
  3. Basic Hebrew
    1. Hebrew letters
    2. Formatting characters
    3. Math symbols
  4. Additional Hebrew ISO
  5. Additional Hebrew Windows
    1. Points and punctuation
    2. Yiddish diagraphs
    3. Latin, symbols, and general punctuation
  6. Additional Hebrew Unicode
    1. Points and punctuation
    2. Cantillation marks
    3. Presentation forms
      1. Letter-point combinations
      2. Traditional Hebrew
      3. Modern Hebrew
      4. Judeo-Spanish

Relevant Unicode charts (in PDF; from unicode.org). These include glyphs of the characters. See also all Unicode charts.

1. Controls and basic Latin

These characters are encoded in ISO-8859-8 and Windows-1255 with the octet that has the same number as the position in UCS. Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

1.1 Controls allowed in XML

Position in UCS Character
0009 <control> = Horizontal tabulation
000A <control> = Line feed
000D <control> = Carriage return

1.2 XML markup delimiters

Position in UCS Character XML name entity
0022 Quotation mark quot
0026 Ampersand amp
0027 Apostrophe = apostrophe-quote apos
003C Less-than sign lt
003E Greater-than sign gt

1.3 Other ASCII

Position in UCS Character
0020 Space
0021 Exclamation mark
0023 Number sign
0024 Dollar sign
0025 Percent sign
0028 Left parenthesis = opening parenthesis
0029 Right parenthesis = closing parenthesis
002A Asterisk
002B Plus sign
002C Comma
002D Hyphen-minus
002E Full stop = period
002F Solidus = slash
0030 Digit zero
0031 Digit one
0032 Digit two
0033 Digit three
0034 Digit four
0035 Digit five
0036 Digit six
0037 Digit seven
0038 Digit eight
0039 Digit nine
003A Colon
003B Semicolon
003D Equals sign
003F Question mark
0040 Commercial at
0041 Latin capital letter A
0042 Latin capital letter B
0043 Latin capital letter C
0044 Latin capital letter D
0045 Latin capital letter E
0046 Latin capital letter F
0047 Latin capital letter G
0048 Latin capital letter H
0049 Latin capital letter I
004A Latin capital letter J
004B Latin capital letter K
004C Latin capital letter L
004D Latin capital letter M
004E Latin capital letter N
004F Latin capital letter O
0050 Latin capital letter P
0051 Latin capital letter Q
0052 Latin capital letter R
0053 Latin capital letter S
0054 Latin capital letter T
0055 Latin capital letter U
0056 Latin capital letter V
0057 Latin capital letter W
0058 Latin capital letter X
0059 Latin capital letter Y
005A Latin capital letter Z
005B Left square bracket = opening square bracket
005C Reverse solidus = backslash
005D Right square bracket = closing square bracket
005E Circumflex accent
005F Low line
0060 Grave accent
0061 Latin small letter a
0062 Latin small letter b
0063 Latin small letter c
0064 Latin small letter d
0065 Latin small letter e
0066 Latin small letter f
0067 Latin small letter g
0068 Latin small letter h
0069 Latin small letter i
006A Latin small letter j
006B Latin small letter k
006C Latin small letter l
006D Latin small letter m
006E Latin small letter n
006F Latin small letter o
0070 Latin small letter p
0071 Latin small letter q
0072 Latin small letter r
0073 Latin small letter s
0074 Latin small letter t
0075 Latin small letter u
0076 Latin small letter v
0077 Latin small letter w
0078 Latin small letter x
0079 Latin small letter y
007A Latin small letter z
007B Left curly bracket = opening curly bracket
007C Vertical line = vertical bar
007D Right curly bracket = closing curly bracket
007E Tilde

2. Additional Latin

These characters are encoded in ISO-8859-8 and Windows-1255 with the octet that has the same number as the position in UCS. Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character XHTML name entity
00A0 No-break space nbsp
00A2 Cent sign cent
00A3 Pound sign pound
00A5 Yen sign yen
00A6 Broken bar = broken vertical bar brvbar
00A7 Section sign sect
00A8 Diaeresis uml
00A9 Copyright sign copy
00AB Left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left-pointing guillemet laquo
00AC Not sign not
00AD Soft hyphen shy
00AE Registered sign = registred trade mark sign reg
00AF Macron macr
00B0 Degree sign deg
00B1 Plus-minus sign plusmn
00B2 Superscript two sup2
00B3 Superscript three sup3
00B4 Acute accent acute
00B5 Micro sign micro
00B6 Pilcrow sign = paragraph sign para
00B7 Middle dot middot
00B8 Cedilla cedil
00B9 Superscript one sup1
00BB Right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right-pointing guillemet raquo
00BC Vulgar fraction one quarter frac14
00BD Vulgar fraction one half frac12
00BE Vulgar fraction three quarters frac34

3. Basic Hebrew

3.1 Hebrew letters

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character Octet in iso-8859-8 and windows-1255
05D0 Hebrew letter alef E0
05D1 Hebrew letter bet E1
05D2 Hebrew letter gimel E2
05D3 Hebrew letter dalet E3
05D4 Hebrew letter he E4
05D5 Hebrew letter vav E5
05D6 Hebrew letter zayin E6
05D7 Hebrew letter het E7
05D8 Hebrew letter tet E8
05D9 Hebrew letter yod E9
05DA Hebrew letter final kaf EA
05DB Hebrew letter kaf EB
05DC Hebrew letter lamed EC
05DD Hebrew letter final mem ED
05DE Hebrew letter mem EE
05DF Hebrew letter final nun EF
05E0 Hebrew letter nun F0
05E1 Hebrew letter samekh F1
05E2 Hebrew letter ayin F2
05E3 Hebrew letter final pe F3
05E4 Hebrew letter pe F4
05E5 Hebrew letter final tsadi F5
05E6 Hebrew letter tsadi F6
05E7 Hebrew letter qof F7
05E8 Hebrew letter resh F8
05E9 Hebrew letter shin F9
05EA Hebrew letter tav FA

3.2 Formatting characters

These characters are not rendered. Unicode chart (in PDF; from unicode.org)

Position in UCS Character Octet in iso-8859-8 and windows-1255 XHTML name entity
200E Left-to-right mark = LRM FD lrm
200F Right-to-left mark = RLM FE rlm

3.3 Math symbols

These are available in "Latin 1" Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character Octet in iso-8859-8 and windows-1255 XHTML name entity
00D7 Multiplication sign AA times
00F7 Division sign BA divide

4. Additional Hebrew ISO

Position in UCS Character Octet in iso-8859-8 XHTML name entity
ISO-8859-1: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
00A4 Currency sign A4 curren
General punctuation: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
2017 Double low line DF Not available

5. Additional Hebrew Windows

5.1 Points and punctuation

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character Octet in windows-1255
05B0 Hebrew point sheva C0
05B1 Hebrew point hataf segol C1
05B2 Hebrew point hataf patah C2
05B3 Hebrew point hataf qamats C3
05B4 Hebrew point hiriq C4
05B5 Hebrew point tsere C5
05B6 Hebrew point segol C6
05B7 Hebrew point patah C7
05B8 Hebrew point qamats C8
05B9 Hebrew point holam C9
05BB Hebrew point qubuts CB
05BC Hebrew point dagesh or mapiq CC
05BD Hebrew point meteg CD
05BE Hebrew punctuation maqaf CE
05BF Hebrew point rafe CF
05C0 Hebrew punctuation paseq D0
05C1 Hebrew point shin dot D1
05C2 Hebrew point sin dot D2
05C3 Hebrew punctuation sof pasuq D3
05F3 Hebrew punctuation geresh D7
05F4 Hebrew punctuation gershayim D8

5.2 Yiddish diagraphs

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character Octet in windows-1255
05F0 Hebrew ligature Yiddish double vav D4
05F1 Hebrew ligature Yiddish vav yod D5
05F2 Hebrew ligature Yiddish double yod D6

5.3 Latin, symbols, and general punctuation

Position in UCS Character Octet in windows-1255 XHTML name entity
ISO-8859-1: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
00BF Inverted question mark BF iquest
Extended Latin B: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
0192 Latin small letter f with hook = Latin small letter script f 83 fnof
Spacing modifier letters: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
02C6 Modifier letter circumflex accent 88 circ
02DC Small tilde 98 tilde
General punctuation: dashes: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
2013 En dash 96 ndash
2014 Em dash 97 mdash
General punctuation: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
2018 Left single quotation mark = single turned comma quotation mark 91 lsquo
2019 Right single quotation mark = single comma quotation mark 92 rsquo
201A Single low-9 quotation mark = low single comma quotation mark 82 sbquo
201C Left double quotation mark = double turned comma quotation mark 93 ldquo
201D Right double quotation mark = double comma quotation mark 94 rdquo
201E Double low-9 quotation mark = low double comma quotation mark 84 bdquo
2020 Dagger 86 dagger
2021 Double dagger 87 Dagger
2022 Bullet 95 bull
2026 Horizontal ellipsis 85 hellip
2030 Per mille sign 89 permil
2039 Single left-pointing angle quotation mark = left pointing single guillemet 8B lsaquo
203A Single right-pointing angle quotation mark = right pointing single guillemet 9B rsaquo
Currency symbols: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
20AC Euro sign 80 euro
20AA New sheqel sign A4 Not available
Letterlike symbols: Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).
2122 Trade mark sign 99 trade

6. Additional Hebrew Unicode

6.1 Points and punctuation

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character
05C4 Hebrew mark upper dot

6.2 Cantillation marks

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

Position in UCS Character
0591 Hebrew accent etnahta
0592 Hebrew accent segol
0593 Hebrew accent shalshelet
0594 Hebrew accent zaqef qatan
0595 Hebrew accent zaqef gadol
0596 Hebrew accent tipeha
0597 Hebrew accent revia
0598 Hebrew accent zarqa
0599 Hebrew accent pashta
059A Hebrew accent yetiv
059B Hebrew accent tevir
059C Hebrew accent geresh
059D Hebrew accent geresh muqdam
059E Hebrew accent gershayim
059F Hebrew accent qarney para
05A0 Hebrew accent telisha gedola
05A1 Hebrew accent pazer
05A3 Hebrew accent munah
05A4 Hebrew accent mahapakh
05A5 Hebrew accent merkha
05A6 Hebrew accent merkha kefula
05A7 Hebrew accent darga
05A8 Hebrew accent qadma
05A9 Hebrew accent telisha qetana
05AA Hebrew accent yerah ben yomo
05AB Hebrew accent ole
05AC Hebrew accent iluy
05AD Hebrew accent dehi
05AE Hebrew accent zinor
05AF Hebrew mark masora circle

6.3 Presentation forms

Glyphs for these characters (in PDF; from unicode.org).

6.3.1 Letter-point combinations

Position in UCS Character Alternative
FB1D Hebrew letter yod with hiriq 05D9 05B4
FB1F Hebrew ligature Yiddish yod yod patah 05F2 05B7
FB2A Hebrew letter shin with shin dot 05E9 05C1
FB2B Hebrew letter shin with sin dot 05E9 05C2
FB2C Hebrew letter shin with dagesh and shin dot FB49 05C1
05E9 05BC 05C1
FB2D Hebrew letter shin with dagesh and sin dot FB49 05C2
05E9 05BC 05C2
FB2E Hebrew letter alef with patah 05D0 05B7
FB2F Hebrew letter alef with qamats 05D0 05B8
FB30 Hebrew letter alef with mapiq 05D0 05BC
FB31 Hebrew letter bet with dagesh 05D1 05BC
FB32 Hebrew letter gimel with dagesh 05D2 05BC
FB33 Hebrew letter dalet with dagesh 05D3 05BC
FB34 Hebrew letter he with mapiq 05D4 05BC
FB35 Hebrew letter vav with dagesh 05D5 05BC
FB36 Hebrew letter zayin with dagesh 05D6 05BC
FB38 Hebrew letter tet with dagesh 05D8 05BC
FB39 Hebrew letter yod with dagesh 05D9 05BC
FB3A Hebrew letter final kaf with dagesh 05DA 05BC
FB3B Hebrew letter kaf with dagesh 05DB 05BC
FB3C Hebrew letter lamed with dagesh 05DC 05BC
FB3E Hebrew letter mem with dagesh 05DE 05BC
FB40 Hebrew letter nun with dagesh 05E0 05BC
FB41 Hebrew letter samekh with dagesh 05E1 05BC
FB43 Hebrew letter final pe with dagesh 05E3 05BC
FB44 Hebrew letter pe with dagesh 05E4 05BC
FB46 Hebrew letter tsadi with dagesh 05E6 05BC
FB47 Hebrew letter qof with dagesh 05E7 05BC
FB48 Hebrew letter resh with dagesh 05E8 05BC
FB49 Hebrew letter shin with dagesh 05E9 05BC
FB4A Hebrew letter tav with dagesh 05EA 05BC
FB4B Hebrew letter vav with holam 05D5 05B9
FB4C Hebrew letter bet with rafe 05D1 05BF
FB4D Hebrew letter kaf with rafe 05DB 05BF
FB4E Hebrew letter pe with rafe 05E4 05BF

6.3.2 Traditional Hebrew

Position in UCS Character Approximation
FB20 Hebrew letter alternative ayin 05E2
FB21 Hebrew letter wide alef 05D0
FB22 Hebrew letter wide dalet 05D3
FB23 Hebrew letter wide he 05D4
FB24 Hebrew letter wide kaf 05DB
FB25 Hebrew letter wide lamed 05DC
FB26 Hebrew letter wide final mem 05DD
FB27 Hebrew letter wide resh 05E8
FB28 Hebrew letter wide tav 05EA
FB4F Hebrew ligature alef lamed 05D0 05DC

6.3.3 Modern Hebrew

Position in UCS Character Approximation
FB29 Hebrew letter alternative plus sign 002B

6.3.4 Judeo-Spanish

Position in UCS Character
FB1E Hebrew point Judeo-Spanish varika